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Do You Have Prostate Problems

If you dear sir we want and care see your doctor after age 45. Your prostate should be under “surveillance” because from that age is starting to grow and cannot help it.

Small but important so is his prostate. This gland is a walnut size which enables all children of Adam has the desired offspring. To tell the urologist oncologist believe it or not “is the most important part of the male reproductive system. Without it there could be multiplied or leave fruit in this life. Without it their “brave soldiers could not march into war” and the “chosen” would never “conquer” the egg metaphorically speaking of course.

But what makes Prostate so important? It turns out that the prostate produces a fluid indispensable not semen or sperm which allows the sperm to navigate to the outside of your body with ease. This is the prostate liquor.

This fluid “dissolves” the thick mucus produced in the seminal vesicles so that sperm can travel through that medium well known to all until you reach the desired destination.

Without prostate liquor would not therefore the millions of “soldiers” could not achieve happiness. But like all things in the world even this happiness last forever.

The prostate to tell the oncologist at the National Institute of Neoplastic Diseases (INEN) from the 45 years begins to suffer inevitably a number of changes. Begins to grow and grow. This abnormal development is called by medical science Enlarged Prostate Problems Or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).

From a small nut the prostate may become a peach. But do not panic this is not cancer. It is as its name implies benign. But this does not mean he will not embarrass you.

And the first symptoms of prostate problems by the feel when you try to urinate and cannot or when their strong desire to go to the bathroom will result in a poor result.

For things of Mother Nature the urethra (the tube where they exit the urine) passes through the middle of the prostate due to BPH the canal is imprisoned from provoking the so-called obstructive syndrome.

As you get older so does the prostate grows in size and triggering BPH.

This could cause problems emptying the bladder or urinary retention. It could even warp the walls of the bladder. Therefore older adults urinate often and little adding that this is going to happen to everyone. If as I read none will be saved.


100% of men have BPH prostate problems. But that eye it will happen to the 45 and it might not cause discomfort to the 50 or 55. But ultimately the 70s and 80s feel (for her trouble urinating) that your prostate has grown abnormally.

This is an inevitable phenomenon but only 50% of men need surgery for this condition. “Some 30% require medical treatment to relieve these symptoms of obstruction as there are drugs that relax the urethra and allow the man urinate better. What about the other 20%? For this group may live with their symptoms. Why? Well simply because appreciate a less significant decrease in their urination.

Even with luck this group and all others must attend regularly (at least once a year) to a urologist to monitor the growth of prostate know their status and that can only be done through the digital rectal examination.

As recommended by the specialist who also advises Complementary ask so prostate specific antigen (PSA for its acronym in English). This is a test that will predict or suspect degeneration-now self-malignant gland.

Pure machismo

While the first of the reviews made him turn back stop and not run away. Their fears are unfounded? Do not let me touch the prostate because I’m going to die undefeated’ is the classic answer that we heard in the consultation” said the expert and is indignant because a digital rectal exam could save the lives of many. This test can detect any abnormal growth.

But if this is still not convinced know that this is a test of short duration. Literally in good hands no longer than 20 seconds. “This test does not hurt anyone. Do not make silly ideas. Digital rectal examination never goes out of fashion because it is an irreplaceable review. So do not listen to those who will say this game will test your manhood. The only thing at stake is your health and of course your prostate. See your doctor. No matter.

Other conditions

PROSTATITIS. This is the second most common pathology of the prostate. Most are chronic and presented as perineal pain back pain increased sensitivity of the skin on the thighs and discomfort with urination. It gives the 50% of men mainly young people. Is directly related to sexual life takes. “All that is where God sends” cause prostatitis.

The Prostate Cancer. When present in the peripheral area grows. This disease does not produce symptoms and when it appears to be a prostate cancer too “aggressive.” It is said that 100% of men aged 80 have prostate cancer but only 30% develop the clinical form of the disease. Moreover all could be cancer histology.


  • 100% of men suffer from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).

  • 50% of young men suffer from prostatitis due to their sexual activity.

  • 30% will suffer from prostate cancer. It comes in the periphery of the gland.

  • 5 out of every thousand men will suffer from some form of cancer according to INEN.

Interventions and risks

The expert explained that currently the urethra can be released from the pressure exerted by the abnormal growth of the prostate through an endoscopic surgery or laser. But eye this does not eliminate the possibility of cancer.

This kind of surgery should be performed after 60 years as they leave consequences in the reproductive function because they are not harmless. Also leave him incontinent or produce a retrograde ejaculation (backward man ejaculates and semen is excreted through the urine).

No responsible urologist says propose prostate surgery of this nature without warn his patient about these risks. Once the man is involved would complete its reproductive function and may not have children so desires.


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Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


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